To start a tourist activity in the small village of Skrilje in the Vipava valley, it is a great victory for us. We are extremely pleased that our project is supported by the local community, the village society and, last but not least, our co-settlers.
Last week we also officially opened the season. In spite of the bad weather, we gathered a big number of villagers – we can truly be glad that they support us and encourage us in such a number! We believe that only by connecting and open approach we will do something good for tourism development in the Vipava valley.

Most villagers were very interested in electric bikes since such bicycles are more than a novelty in our country. And most of them were also very enthusiastic after riding it! Most of the comments were ‘excellent’ and ‘It just goes by itself!’.
To be able to carry out this event, RockVelo thanks the local community. You’re more than welcome anytime!

Family Bratina